NTM is open to all transport and transport related workers, including atypical workers, who include but are not limited to casual, part-time, fixed-term or seasonal workers employed in the sectors, trades, entities, undertakings and /or occupations operating in the Republic of South Africa regardless of the company in which they are employed.
To combat the exploitation of the workers in all sectors of the South African economy;
To defend and advance the interest of the workers, in particular, at that of the working class in general;
To improve the terms and conditions of employment of the members in particular;
To represent the members in any proceedings in which they are involved;
To campaign against repressive Labour Legislation;
To improve the living conditions of its memebers;
To defend the jobs of workers;
To regulate relations between employees and employers, including any employer’s organization;
To provide legal assistance to members in connection with employment matters;
To establish and administer funds for the benefit of its members and their dependents;
To encourage the settlement of disputes between members and employers and/ or employer’s organisations by conciliation, mediation or arbitration;
To promote economic development and social justice in the South African society;
To compart corruption and financial irregularities in all spheres of South African society.